Monday, 24 September 2012


Dreamer's Journal:

Saturday, 22/9/2012

Exciting stuff. It was a warm, sunny day.....  The lock volunteer explained to Susan and Pete about the side pond locks and how to do them.   He also mentioned that it cost £17 million to restore the canal.  I was navigated through a very narrow canal - room for one boat only.  Apart from going though normal locks (narrow ones), Susan managed to somehow prep a Staircase lock!!!  Thankfully, another boat came in the opposite direction and the owners instructed Susan on how to do it.  They said that the weather was about to get wet and windy so they were headed to Birmingham and would sit it out there.   I think we could have been in trouble if they had not explained to Susan how to do this staricase lock as it has been a long time since she did one.  After successfully completing these, we all had the scary moment of seeing the very, very low tunnel bridge underneath the M5 approaching.  I was a bit concerned, as I overheard Susan and Pete discussing it and about whether I would end up with scratches down the side OR even worse everything knocked off the top of me i.e. the pigeon box that Pete loves so much.  We all breathed in and Pete literally sank to his knees (no headroom - honest) and navigated me through, very slowly and carefully, without any problems.

I heard Susan say 'Oh My God' as we excited whilst Pete laughed and said 'That was tight'......... Mazey stopped shaking!

In parts the new canal is very shallow and I ended up scrapping my bottom on rock - not happy about that....... lots of grinding noises.......

Vines Park in Droitwich is a green area used by walkers, cyclists, families and boaters.  It was very busy as we navigated though the locks and 3 swing bridges.  Pete swapped over with Susan as she could not open one of the swing bridges.  Lots of waterfowl, hire boats and people greeted us.

A bit further on, we moored up in Netherwich Basin with 48 hour moorings.  We all breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Since then it has rained and rained and rained.  So static at the moment.  Waiting for a break in the weather before heading to the end of the Droitwich canal onto the Severn.

Completed 2.5 miles, 8 locks and 3 swing bridges.

Sunday, 23/9/2012

Day of rest for me.  Susan went shopping into Droitwich whilst Pete watched the Grand Prix.

Monday, 24/9/2012

It has been raining hard since yesterday so Pete and Susan have decided to stay for one more day.

Pete decided to fill me up with water.  All of this action was taking place in pouring rain...... This was no small task and took him about 1 hour.  First he had to climb onto the bow and open the hatch to get my drinking pipe out (Pete calls is a hose).   He then had to attach the drinking pipe in the well deck, climb along the gunnels (side of the boat) carrying the drinking pipe reel.  Climbed onto the floating pontoon, then walked to the drinking water point - about 110 feet away.  Attached another yellow hose which he fixed to the drinking water tap.  Then walked along the floating pontoon and knocked on the side hatches to ask Susan to make sure the pipe was still attached to the entry point on the well deck.  Then he headed back to the drinking water tap and switched on.  He climbed  back onto the gunnels and stepped into the well deck and took over from Susan whilst the water flowed into my water tank.  I was very thirsty - after about 30 mins I was full - so he switched off.  Then he disconnected everything.  Walked back along the gunnels with the drinking pipe in hand.  Stepped onto the floating pontoon.  Switched off and disconnected from the water tap.  Tidied all pipes.  Walked back along the gunnels onto the bow, and put everything away in the hatch.  Locked it up, stepped back into the well-deck, zipped up the sides.  Job done!!!!!  Susan gave Pete a well deserved cup of hot tea  - made from the new kettle bought yesterday in Argos.  Susan, unfortunately, left the kettle on whilst doing some locks - BANG no more kettle .........

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