Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Bradford on Avon

Monday-Wednesday, 15th/17th September, 2014


We are greeted by a grey blanket that covers the skies as we head off to Bradford on Avon.  Pete checks my engine to make sure all is well before we head off - AND it is.  Only 3 miles of a cruise today.  We all say 'goodbye' to the grey heron that has kept us company for the last few days.  I am keen to get going.

Susan comments that the headge-rows are starting to look sad..... autumn is on its way.  There are now many boats loitering along the towpath who do not seem to have moved in a while.  No evidence of human or canine life on board.  Very odd.

Although the cut is quieter today, we still see lots of holiday boaters.

After filling up with water at Bradford Avon Wharf, I reverse into a convenient mooring space.  The moorings here are 48-hours.  At the Wharf there is the Lock Cottage which houses the CR&T next to it and a tea room.  Very quant.

Bradford on Avon - Upper Wharf

Lock and sign - Bradford on Avon

Our overnight mooring - Bradford on Avon

The family head off to the town and go via the Tithe Barn.  The barn was built in the 14th Century by the Abbess of Shaftesbury.  It has massive doors and is like a cathedral inside.  There are cute shops and antiques in a gallery.  Worth a visit.

Tithe Barn - built 14th Century

Tithe Barn interior
Susan says there is a good Budgens in town.  Susan was a bit disappointed with the town as it was not very big.  Although Susan and Pete like it and think it is like a miniature Bath.

Susan walks 1.5 miles along the towpath to see Avoncliffe Aqueduct.  Loads of boats here on permanent moorings.  Susan says that boaters are not allowed to run engines AT ALL in the visitor moorings - there are signs everywhere.

Grey Heron by boat

Avoncliffe Aqueduct

River Avon and Weir
Later on, Susan and Pete visit the Lock Inn which serves breakfasts, light lunches and evening meals.  It is right on the canal and has a canal boat on the side where clients can drink or eat.  Lovely place, Susan says.

Bradford on Avon - Below lock

Total 3 miles (moored opposite The Barge Inn - 48 hour moorings)


We leave and head back to Semington and moor up for the night.  It keeps trying to rain.

Total 5-1/4 miles and 1 swing-bridge


We all enjoy a cruise in the sunshine and the warm.  Susan cruises through the first 2 locks and swing-bridge whilst Mazey and Pete prepare them.  We partner up after the first lock with a couple on holiday - both nervous....  Pete notices that I keep dragging my bottom on the silt - water levels are low!!  Pete hopes that we get a downpour of rain in the next week otherwise doing this trip again before wintering in the marina could be a problem.

As we arrive at the bottom of Seend Lock we spot a Kingfisher and decide to moor up.  Pete spends the afternoon rubbing down his walking sticks and Susan sits soaking up the sun.

Tomorrow we head back into the marina at Caen Hill for a week before setting out again.  Sadly, in the marina the internet signal is poor so you might not hear from me for a while but as soon as I can I will get back to chatting again.  Take care everyone and night night.

Total 3 swing-bridges, 2 locks and 1-3/4 miles

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Caen Hilll Marina - new journey

September 8-13th, 2014

The family have been back for a week now and have decided to take me out for a cruise to Bradford-on-Avon or even further, depending on moorings, etc.  I am pleased that we are all back together again.  Mazey is doing really well and she has recovered from her operation (benign hystiocytoma).  Susan still keeps feeding her biscuits though...

Dreamer - Caen Hill Marina - mooring
Mazey being cleaned after muddy walk
Caen Hill Marina

We don't move far and find a mooring at Sells Green Bridge.  It is so hot that a man on another boat decides to go swimming in the water - yuk yuk yuk - green sludgy water.  Susan and Pete are not amused and would like to know whether he has a shower on board!!!

Susan and Pete find it hard again to get used to turning off the electric and using the water sparingly.  Susan comments that it is also getting dark by 8:30 pm.  All happy to be back on the cut.

Total 1 mile


Once we set off, Susan and Mazey have trouble opening the Sell's Green Swing-bridge.  Susan said it was a nightmare.  The following one was easier and the 3 locks were not too difficult either - despite Susan temporarily forgetting how to do them.  Pete says that he would like to do more physical stuff and that he wants Susan to drive more.

We moor at Seend Cleeve opposite The Barge Inn where the family go for some lunch.  They spot a boater cycling back to his boat with a dead rabbit hanging from his handlebar.  Pete says it must be dinner.  A nice mooring.

The Barge Inn at Seend Cleeve
Both Susan and Pete are amazed at the beautiful sunset and the rise of the 'supermoon'.

Sunset on the Kennet and Avon
Supermoon at The Barge Inn mooring

Sunset on the Kennet and Avon

Total 3 locks, 2 swing-bridges and 1.5 miles


Today Susan drives whilst Pete and Mazey do the locks.  We go through 2 locks and moor in a 24-hour mooring at Seend Lower Lock.

The family walk to Bowerhill where there is a handy Tesco Express.  It is about 1.5 miles away.

Seend Lower Lock moorings
Total 2 locks and 0.5 miles


Pete drives most of the way except when we get to swing-bridges or locks.  Susan takes control of me whilst Pete does the hard work.

Pete has an audience at the swing-bridge
We arrive at Semington 24-hour moorings near the derelict Wilts and Berks canal.

A working boat going through a swing-bridge
Total 3 swing-bridges, 2 locks and 1.75 miles

Friday/Saturday and Sunday:

A chilly morning greets us today.  Pete drives whilst Susan cleans me on the inside except for when we get to a swing-bridge then Susan takes over.

Pete pulls up after bridge 165 (Hilperton Marsh Bridge) as he saw a kingfisher and thought this would be a good place to stop.  This is a rural mooring.  We can stay here for up to two weeks if we want to.

The family go for a short walk and Mazey has great fun barking at the dogs on the opposite bank...

Barking dogs

Lots of boats go past us and there are many cyclists on the narrow towpath.  The plan will be to go to Bradford-on-Avon on Monday as the family feel it will be very busy over the weekend and difficult to find a mooring.  The family need to be back in the marina on Thursday evening plenty of time yet.

Susan and Pete have enjoyed trying to take photos of a heron and keeping a watch out for the kingfisher (not seen yet!)

The following are photos taken by Susan on Friday and Saturday.

Cow chilling in a field

Heron fishing

Squirrel collecting its nuts!
Total 1 swing-bridge, 2.25 miles